Address : Klitren Lor GK III/ 374 , Yogyakarta ( 55222 ) Indonesia
Phone : +62274548694
Fax : +62274514100
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CD Bethesda is the community development of Bethesda Hospital based on the principle of “hospital without wall” to extend holistic health care services to communities and address their basic health problems and needs.
One of CD Bethesda unit is CD Craft, for the handicrafts program which was established in 1982 under the auspices of Oxfam UK to improve an alternative source of income for the marginalized communities in Indonesia through alternative trading or fair trade.
Our vision: en economically self-reliant community of artisans who respect and take pride in their identity and local wisdom.
Our mission: to assist artisans build their identity and local wisdom and gain economic self-reliance through alternative trading .
We work under the principles of fair trade ensuring fair price to the producers, equitable commercial terms, transparency, equal opportunities for both men and women, working conditions, promotion fair trade and environmental sustainability. Our producer partners consist of talented local artisans who live within vicinity of Yogyakarta. We strive to continuously provide them additional education and trainings to further build their capabilities for more sustainable livelihood.
CD Bethesda-Craft offers a variety of quality products artfully hand-crafted from wood, ceramics, silver, iron, stone, bamboo, water hyacinth and other plant fibres. Our products range from the “traditional decorative” to the “functionally trendy”. We work closely with our producers to ensure best quality and design. We accept customs orders as well as a requests for specific product sizes, colours and shape variations of existing products.
CD Craft’s Community Programs:
Financial aid. CD Craft provides modest financial assistance to artisans for the purchase of additional tools and equipment or as a start up capital.
Education. CD Craft conducts trainings, workshops or seminars on issues which concern and affect the activities of small artisans, e.g. seminars/workshops about fair trade, business development, creating business plans, financial management, communication and negotiation.
Product Development. CD Craft seeks to continuously improve the capacity of artisans specifically in the area of product development through activities such as workshops on product design, ways of improving product quality as well as production processes, visiting trade exhibits to benchmark products, providing them information on current product trends/designs.
Increasing market access. Assists them in creating marketing materials like catalogues, leaflets, price lists; in attending trade exhibits to promote their products. Also facilitates market testing for their products by including their new products in the product samples sent to CD Craft’s current buyers or by looking for shops or galleries willing to try and sell their products.